Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Something to look forward to

So both my doctor and my counselor say that if I keep going the way I am, I am headed for a break down.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Letting go

I stress all the time. Mostly because I hate living in Louisiana. SO much is out of my control and I need to learn better to pick my battles. I need to be more zen and roll with the waves. I wish I could literally do that.

Liz told me about how large water bodies are good for us because they are a negative ion sink and draw out our negative ions. I buy that completely. I know that when I am there I feel SO much better. And I need a dose. I could weep.

I say a mantra: peace, love, joy, happiness abounding

I guess if I say it enough one day I will believe it and feel it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It'sbeen awhile... sorry

Sorry - I meant to keep up with this a bit better.

I've been working with my doctor to alter my meds. The first alteration had almost disastrous results. So we're tweaking it again...

I hate living in Louisiana. I got my three dogs here and I love them dearly, but there is not a thing here that I wouldn't give up in a heartbeat. Plus I feel so guilty about Alan's misery here. I am SO SO tempted to quit my project and move the fuck out.

1) I need the ocean... the Atlantic - the gulf doesn't count. I need the ocean breezes and waves to wash over me. It's cleansing and calming.
2) I would love some donuts from Dunkin' Donuts. A powered chocolate filled one and another with sprinkles. Rainbow sprinkles.
3) A Friendly's Reese's pieces sundae.
4) Maybe a snicker's one too.
5) I want to hear spring peepers when I drive by a stream or pond.
6) I want a Maryland spring with Maryland bugs and Maryland humidity.
7) I want to drive three hours to Ocean City just for lunch. (Actually I would stay for a but longer cause gas prices are so high!)
8) I want to only be 4 hours away from New York city.
9) All 5 of my pets have fleas. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of them when you live on sandy soils that don't get to cold enough temps to kill them?

I'm sorry I'm bitching but I am so so sad. I have only so much stamina and I don't think it will last Louisiana...